csp, family, shopping

Retail junkies

Well, I thought I uploaded my pics from dinner the other night with the family for Gmommy’s bday, and even though the program deleted them off my camera, they did not save into iPhoto. So…that kinda sucks. But we had a good time. We ate at Ruby Tuesday. CSP and I were talking about the name Ruby Tuesday and I coulda sworn it was a Beatles’ song, but apparently it was a Rolling Stones’ song. After dinner CSP & I went back to Papa & Gigi’s so I could help Papa get set up with his new external hard drive.

We stopped by a new Bloom store on the way home. It was just built a few months in our old neighborhood. It was so nice. We are such grocery store nerds. But what do you expect? I worked in various grocery stores for over 10 years and CSP has worked at his for almost 18! We’ll even check out grocery stores while we’re on vacation. And when we travel there are certain items we pick up at those stores. Like I’m going to Baltimore for Memorial Day weekend and CSP has already put in his order for Tasty Kakes!

7 thoughts on “Retail junkies”

  1. Ohhh are you really going to Baltimore that weekend? I think that if you are Lisa and ya need to make a trip up here to Outlet shopping land lol…


  2. Mmm….I always have to buy zebra cakes. And thats a fabulous Rolling Stones song. How could you forget!? (just kidding)


  3. I’m that way with grocery stores, too. I love visiting ones that we don’t have here at home! I have yet to see a Wegmans, ugh! 😦 I *so* wish that we had a Bloom nearby. I love seeing what new products are out there!


  4. I like grocery stores too! I will be expecting a LOT of pictures from your trip up to see Lisa. Cant wait to hear all about the fun yall have, and of course the tasty cakes!


  5. I sing that song everytime we go to Ruby Tuesday, drive the hubby insane. bwahahaha! that’s probably why I sing it. 😉


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