
Can you get a Nobel Peace Prize for inventing this?

Kiki is allergic to grass.  She has to take a very large pill every other day.  These pills are more expensive than any pill I take.  Getting them down her tiny, obstinate throat has been a challenge the likes of which I’ve never encountered.   We’ve tried EVERYTHING.  Hot dogs, peanut butter,  ham, tuna, turkey, cheeses of all varieties, marshmallows, basic shoving it down her throat, etc.  The problem is that the pill stinks.  So what we camouflage it with has to outstink the pill but still be small enough for her to swallow it because if she bites it it explodes and the liquid is very bitter and causes her to foam at the mouth and gag.  It’s quite a production.

I went to my Twitter and Facebook friends a while back and asked for help.  Some people (forgive me but I can’t remember to whom [who?] goes the credit) suggested Pill Pockets.  We finally found them at Petco.  As CSP says “Boy, they sure know what to charge for these!”  To which I reply “Yes, because someone tells them”.  He loves that.   We paid the painful $12 for an 8 oz bag of approximately 30 pill pockets and went home to try one out.  Lord, please let this work I prayed as I molded the pill pocket around her pill.  It seemed HUGE to me and it took her a while to get it down but SHE GOT IT DOWN.  On her own!  With no crying or cursing!   The heavens parted and the angels sang!

There have been some changes to the first pill pocket usage.  1.  Those suckers are BIG.  So now I just pull it apart and mold the stuff around her pill so she won’t have such a big thing to swallow.  Works like a charm.  Plus, at 40 cents a piece plus tax this way makes it last longer.  Kiki now actually comes running when I say the word “pill” or shake her pill bottle.  Before it was a total spy mission.  CSP would have to get the pill out of the wrapper thingy and pass it to me on the sly.  We’d have to wait an hour before she’d stop being suspicious enough to come close enough to us to give her the treat wrapped pill.  But now?  Now I want to sing the praises of the Pill Pocket!  Everyone who has to give a dog a pill should buy these things!  And Pill Pocket people?  Kiki will never not be allergic and on meds so if you’d like to comp me a few bags I’d be forever grateful!